Entries are now being invited from clubs who would like to take part in the Inter-Club & Judge It Yourselves Competitions which this year has the delicious title "Floralicious". The details of the competition can be found on the JDSE&P page of this website - click here
We have received the below information from the RHS RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2020 Floristry & Floral Design Competition Dear NAFAS members, The RHS Chelsea Team want to let you know of an exciting change that will be taking place at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2020. We are delighted to announce that we are combining the Chelsea Florist / Young Florist of the Year, and Floral Arranger competitions. This new area celebrating the beauty of floral design will be found in the Great Pavilion, where we are offering four themes, and two staging platforms to choose from. The application process will be changing slightly from previous years and will open to all floral designers both amateur and professional. The application process will involve uploading a drawing of your design, a brief description, and photo(s) of your previous work. Exhibitors will be allocated on the merit of their application. We wish you the best of luck in your application. More details can be found by following these links. https://view.publitas.com/rhs-2/cfs-floristry-why-exhibit/page/1 https://view.publitas.com/rhs-2/cfs20-floristry-competition-factsheet/page/1 https://rhsforms.formstack.com/forms/cfs20_florist_competition_form Note the closing date for applications is Friday 29 November At the AGM, the schedule for the Kent Area Show was launched by new area show chairman Mig Kimpton. The title of the show is Colour Revolution and we should have a spectacular show to celebrate the diamond anniversary of Kent Area. You can get a copy of the schedule through your club or download it from the Area Show page of this website by clicking here
On 6th November 2019 the Area AGM took place at Ditton.
The minutes will be circulated in due course but in the meantime the following changes in Executive and Advisors took place. Cecilia Sleap was appointed as Vice Chair Elect Lesley Potter retired as East Kent Rep Jenny Nye retired as Judges Rep and was Sue Shaw was appointed Shirley Davis retired as Area Show Chairman and Mig Kimpton was appointed KM Williams was appointed as Editor of Kent News We thank everyone retiring for their service and thank those who have come forward to take up positions. We still have vacancies for a treasurer and a minute secretary. If you are interested in joining the happy team then please contact the Area Chairman Jean Schofield. The AGM was followed by a fabulous demonstration by the innovative Gill McGregor As previously reported Robin represented Kent Area in the Designer of the Year competition. The competition was run under the title “Timeless Beauty” and Robin chose Charles Rennie MacIntosh for his inspiration. After 3 gruelling days in which he had to create a pedestal, a wall hanging, a petite, a still life and do an imposed class, Robin’s hard work was finally announced as the winner and Robin was presented with the trophy by Sue Brinton Nafas National Chairman.
We felt it was appropriate for Kent Area to recognise this amazing achievement and so at the AGM Area Chairman, Jean Schofield, presented Robin with a gift. Like Robin, the Area took Charles Rennie MacIntosh as the theme, but this beauty is not “timeless” as Robin was presented with a Charles Rennis MacIntosh designed watch with our love. The watch is inscribed on the back and it says “you did us proud” which you did so on behalf of us all many many congratulations. As Robin came to the stage there was a well deserved standing ovation. You may have seen posts on Facebook about the Chelsea Flower Show and whether there will be a flower arranging section or just "floristry". The below clarification has been received from Steven Lane, NAFAS CEO
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