Kent Floral Art is the operating name of the Kent Area of NAFAS and is one of the 21 Areas in the United Kingdom which make up the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS).
Our watchwords are Friendship Through Flowers and you will find a warm welcome at a club near you. Do join us to explore the creativity that can be found within the world of flower arranging. Whether you want to learn new skills, take courses, or just watch a demonstrator produce fabulous designs, you will find that friendship.
Our formal objectives are to represent the interests of NAFAS within Kent and to advance public education in the art of flower arranging and related subjects. We have clubs across the county which meet each month for flower arranging demonstrations, talks, workshops, competitions, visits to places of floral interest and social events for our policies please see the section below.
For news of our activities, click the News button below and visit the What's On pages of this website. You can also keep up to date with us at Kent Area of NAFAS and Kent Area of NAFAS Forum on Facebook and see our videos on our You Tube channel.
You can find out about the magazine The Flower Arranger by clicking the button below.
Policies and other documents which may be useful to clubs can be found on the Policy button and information about NAFAS on that button
Our watchwords are Friendship Through Flowers and you will find a warm welcome at a club near you. Do join us to explore the creativity that can be found within the world of flower arranging. Whether you want to learn new skills, take courses, or just watch a demonstrator produce fabulous designs, you will find that friendship.
Our formal objectives are to represent the interests of NAFAS within Kent and to advance public education in the art of flower arranging and related subjects. We have clubs across the county which meet each month for flower arranging demonstrations, talks, workshops, competitions, visits to places of floral interest and social events for our policies please see the section below.
For news of our activities, click the News button below and visit the What's On pages of this website. You can also keep up to date with us at Kent Area of NAFAS and Kent Area of NAFAS Forum on Facebook and see our videos on our You Tube channel.
You can find out about the magazine The Flower Arranger by clicking the button below.
Policies and other documents which may be useful to clubs can be found on the Policy button and information about NAFAS on that button
If you enjoy flowers and would like to learn more about floral design there is a club near you waiting to welcome you to share in their friendship and love of flowers, even if you only want to sit and watch. Details of our clubs can be found at the "Our Clubs" section of this website. If you would like to know about the Power of Flowers, then click the link below to download a leaflet.