Judges Representative, Vacant - being covered by JDSEP Chair Sue Shaw
The Role of the Judges Representative is to represent Kent Area’s Judges; to communicate news from the National Judges Committee and to report to the Area’s JDSE&P Committee, Area Executive and Kent Area Council. Periodically refresher days are held to ensure Area Judges are kept up to date. These days are instructive, inspiring and supportive.
How to becoming an Area Judge - Area Training is organised by Areas and by the National Judges Committee. The framework is set out by the National Judges Committee. There are six modules which include practical judging, oral judging, plant identification, practical work and a written paper. Attendance at the training days is mandatory. If you are interested in becoming a judge or want an informal chat about show work do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Entering and Organising Shows A useful book titled Putting on a Show can be puchased from NAFAS website www.nafas.org.uk
Organisers and competitors should have a copy of the current NAFAS Competitions Manual Fourth Edition 2023). It includes useful information which will help organisers and competitors to understand show schedules.
In addition the National Judging Committee has issued a list of products which may be considered to be plant material for the purposes of flower arrangement competitions. A copy of this can be downloaded here:
Booking a Judge –It is strongly recommend that a qualified NAFAS Judge should be invited to judge competitions. A copy of the draft schedule should be sent to the judge for comment and advice prior to printing, to avoid problems. A blue form should always be completed in a timely manner for NAFAS Judges. The Judging Code of Practice for Areas, Clubs and Judges gives guidance on making bookings
Cicely Finnis - Area Judge I have been interested in the history of flower arranging and new trends for a long time and by training as a judge felt that my interest would be furthered. The training was very interesting but hard work but has given me a great sense of achievement. Going to different clubs and societies has widened my friendship through flowers. Cicely is a keen competitor and is always willing to share her knowledge with those new to competition. Contact details: [email protected]
Carol Loft - Area Judge Since joining my club in Gravesend, I have always enjoyed competitive work. I was delighted to be awarded the Margaret Newman Award, following completion of the NAFAS Diploma Art & Design Course, which led me into judges training, and qualifying as an Area Judge in 2005. I was pleased to accept the position of Judges Representative for the Area and enjoyed my time in office. I have been an active member of Vanguard Contemporary Design Group as well as my own club in Gravesend, and I continue to compete whenever I can. Contact details: [email protected]
Marilyn Marsh - Area Judge I have been flower arranging for over forty years and decided to take the City & Guilds in Flower Arranging when I retired. I then went on to take a Teaching Certificate in Floral Art and qualified as a Kent Area Judge in May 2017. I enjoy all aspects of flower arranging and particularly meeting members of the Kent Area in their own clubs. Contact: [email protected]
Jenny Nye - Area Judge Jenny Nye has been an Area Judge since 1997 following a completion of a 3 year City & Guilds course in Flower Arranging and subsequent Floristry course. Over the years she has greatly enjoyed the many competitions she has been invited to judge and gained a wealth of experience along the way. Contact: [email protected]
Sue Shaw - Area Judge Sue is an Area Judge, Area Demonstrator and a National Speaker. She qualified as a judge in the Sussex Area of NAFAS in 2013. Sue considers it a real privilege to be asked to judge a NAFAS competition. You, the judge's steward and a whole roomful of wonderful flowers. What a treat! Sue has also developed a PowerPoint presentation with her experiences as both a competitor and judge. This is a fun way to share tips and tricks to improve show work and understand what judges do.
Gill Smaggasgale - Area Judge After several years competing, I decided to train to be a judge to extend my own knowledge and performance but more importantly to give back to our wonderful organisation. Competing pushes the exhibitor to excel and on occasion to push the boundaries and judging certainly keeps you on your toes! Gill is also a demonstrator and a speaker Contact: [email protected]