It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Shirley Monckton on Monday 23rd September .
Shirley was a NAFAS Associate of Honour, Kent Honorary member and a past Kent Area Chairman, Shirley was widely respected for her excellence in all disciplines of flower arranging, and inspired many members throughout Kent. More details will follow as we hear from her family. Please keep them in your thoughts during this difficult time. Members really enjoyed our August meeting. It was a tremendous meeting and a lot of our members, friends and colleugues from other Flower clubs attended. We had a Demonstration from our talented Robin White and the meeting was such fun with his humour and his skills in Floral Art were shown so well . I understand that he is retiring from doing Demos. We called the meeting 'A Tribute to Robin White' and one of my colleagues had written a little poem about him to thank him for his forty years service.
AuthorNews from Kent Executive and Media Team Archives
September 2024
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